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Ca´n Muntanyans

Ca´n Muntanyans


The façade has three floors in height. A lowered portal allows the entrance to the lobby, whose ceiling has been refurbished with wooden beams. To the left, a studio portal in gothic style exhibiting the Muntanyans coat of arms.

To the right, a small portal. A pointed, Gothic arch connects with the inner courtyard. Here we will find a huge lowered arch to the right, showing the coat of arms of the Muntanyans-Berard. To the left, the staircase that leads to the first floor. In the interior, on the left hand side, a hall featuring a diaphragm arch and a supportive element designed to provide hold to the beamed structure

Historical Reference

The house, also known by the name of "Sacristanat", is located at c/ Sant Bernat, 3. In the XVth century it belonged to the Muntanyans family. One of the coat of arms exhibited in the patio is from the Muntanyans-Berard family and dates back to the XVth century. The origin of this coat of arms derives from the matrimony between Nicolau de Muntanyans Verí and Beatriu de Berard Santjoan.

In 1556, the house was owned by Humbert de Togores Muntanyans. In the XVIIth century, it became the ownership of the Church and became the place of residence of the Christian canons. In the year 1685, the house was valued in 1,000 pounds. (Murray-Pascual: 1988, II, 261).

Throughout the first three decades of the XXth century, Mn. Alcover lived in the house, as recalls the headstone to the right of the portal. The house has been refurbished in the year 1990.


-Habsburg-Lorena: La ciudad de Palma (The city of Palma), 76

-Murray-Pascual: La casa y el tiempo (The House and the Time - 1988), Volume II, p. 261

-GEM, XV, 32

Other data of interest Together with the Hospital de San Pedro y San Bernardo, the house builds the current Diocesan Residence.

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Date last modified: March 13, 2023