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Ca´n March

Palma 365. So much culture and so close by


The façade is four storeys high. The house features a rounded arched doorway, which is broader at the bottom to allow vehicles to pass under it. The first floor has balconies, while the porch features ogee arches.

The entrance has two sections with beamed ceilings, separated by a large segmental arch. To the left there are two more covered areas. The pillars of the arches are Tuscan in style. A segmental arch connects with the courtyard, while to the right there is the staircase which has a left turn halfway up.
In the back beneath the staircase we find a segmental arch closed off with wooden bars and another archway to the left. On the left hand side of this arch there is a small doorway in the neo-Gothic style.


In the 17th century the house was owned by the Villalonga family, while in the first half of the 18th century it belonged to Pere Jeroni Nét Armengol. This surname died out when Antoni Nét Escofet passed away in the year 1817. Miquel Font Muntaner bought the house in 1846, and this is the reason why the house became known by the names of Ca'n Nèt and Ca'n Font.

The building was fully refurbished at the beginning of the 20th century on the initiative of Antoni Font Sbert and based on the designs of the architect Guillem Reynés, who restored it in keeping with the traditional style of the Mallorcan mansion. In the year 1930, the house was purchased by Joan March Servera, who left it to his widow, Carmen Delgado.

Other data of interest This house is also known by the names of Ca'n Nèt and Ca'n Font.
de Sant Francesc,5 07001 Palma (Illes Balears)
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Date last modified: March 13, 2023